Contact Us

We are here for any support or help you need

Our dedicated customer service team is available to assist you at every stage of your project journey, whether that's before, during, or after completion.

Each member of our Stonemarket team is up to speed with the latest product information and are highly experienced on our product range.

Examples of enquiries we handle:


  • Product choice and specification advice
  • Technical support on the performance and strength of our products
  • Installation and general maintenance
  • Sample selection
  • Quality

Please note that our customer service team do not deal with orders or pricing enquiries.
These are all dealt with via your local independent merchant stockist.

How to contact Help & Support

Before contacting Help & Support, please check if your question has already been answered in our comprehensive FAQ section.

Contact Us

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:15 - 17:00
0345 302 0603
0345 302 0605
Technical Advisory Team
Landscape House
Lowfields Business Park
Premier way
West Yorkshire

What can we help with?

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